研究業績 研究業績


Sakuraba Y, Yang M, Yanagisawa S. (2024) HASTY-mediated miRNA dynamics modulate nitrogen starvation-induced leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. Nat. Commun. 15:7913.

Zhuo M, Sakuraba Y, Yanagisawa S. (2024) Dof1.7 and NIGT1 transcription factors mediate multilayered transcriptional regulation for different expression ppatterns of NITRATE TRANSPPORTER2 genes under nitrogen deficiency stress. New Phytol. 242:2132-2147.

Ohama N, Yanagisawa S. (2024) Role of GARP family transcription factors in the regulatory network for nitrogen and phophorus acquisition. J. Plant Res. 137:331-341.


植田佳明、柳澤修一 (2023) トランスクリプトーム解析から読み解く植物の栄養応答ネットワーク. 日本土壌肥料学雑誌 94: 210-215.

Liu K, Sakuraba Y, Ohtsuki N, Yang M, Ueda Y, Yanagisawa S. (2023) CRISPR/Cas9-mediated elimination of OsHHO3, a transcriptional repressor of three AMMONIUM TRANSPORTER1 genes, improves nitrogen use efficiency in rice. Plant Biotechnol J. 21: 2169-2172.

Ueda Y, Yanagisawa S. (2023) Transcription factor module NLP-NIGT1 fine-tunes NITRATE TRANSPORTER2.1 expression. Plant Physiol. 193: 2865-2879.

Buelbuel S, Sakuraba Y, Sedaghatmehr M, Watanabe M, Hoefgen R, Balazadeh S, Mueller-Roeber B. (2023) Arabidopsis BBX14 negatively regulates nitrogen starvation- and dark-induced leaf senescence. Plant J. 116: 251-268.

Yang M, Sakuraba Y, Ishikawa T, Ohtsuki N, Kawai-Yamada M, Yanagisawa S. (2023) Chloroplatic Sec14-like proteins modulate growth and phosphate deficiency responses in Arabidopsis and rice. Plant Physiol. 192: 3030-3048.

Jie L, Sanagi M, Luo Y, Maeda H, Chiba Y, Yanagisawa S, Yamaguchi J, Takagi J, Sato T. (2023) Histone chaperone NUCLEOSOME ASSEMBLY PROTEIN 1 proteins affect plant growth under nitrogen deficient conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Biotechnol. 40: 93-98.


Ariga T, Sakuraba Y, Zhuo M, Yang M, Yanagisawa S. (2022) The Arabidopsis NLP7-HB52/HB54-VAR2 pathway modulates energy utilization in diverse light and nitrogen conditions. Curr. Biol. 32: 5344-5353.

Sakuraba Y, Paek NC. (2022) Overexpression of ONAC054 improves drought stress tolerance and grain yield in rice. Crops 2: 390-406.

Liu KH, Liu M, Lin Z, Wang ZF, Chen B, Liu C, Guo A, Konishi M, Yanagisawa S, Wagner G, Sheen J. (2022) NIN-like protein 7 transcription factor is a plant nitrate sensor. Science 377: 1419-1425

Sakuraba Y. (2022) Molecular basis of nitrogen starvation-induced leaf senescence. Front. Plant Sci. 13:1013304.

Sakuraba Y, Zhuo M, Yanagisawa S. (2022) RWP-RK domain-containing transcription factors in the Viridiplantae: biology and phylogenetic relationship. J. Exp. Bot. 73: 4323-4337.

Saito M, Konishi M, Miyagi A, Sakuraba Y, Kawai-Yamada M, Yanagisawa S. (2022) Arabidopsis nitrate-induced asparate oxidase gene expression is necessary to maintain metabolic balance under nitrogen nutrient fluctuation. Commun. Biol. 5: 432.

Moriwaki K, Yanagisawa S, Iba K, Negi J. (2022) Two independent cis-acting elements are required for the guard cell-specific expression of SCAP1, which is essential for late stomatal development. Plant J. 110: 440-451.


Konishi M, Okitsu T, Yanagisawa S. (2021) Nitrate-responsive NIN-like protein (NLP) transcription factors perform unique and redundant roles in Arabidopsis. J. Exp. Bot. 72: 5735-5750.

Sakuraba Y. (2021) Light-mediated regulation of leaf senescence. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22: 3291.

櫻庭康仁 (2021) フィトクロムを介した赤色光シグナルによるリン栄養の獲得制御の発見. アグリバイオ 5: 253-256.

Sakuraba Y, Chaganzhana, Mabuchi A, Iba K, Yanagisawa S. (2021) Enhanced NRT1.1 expression in shoots improves growth under nitrogen deficiency stress in Arabidopsis. Commun. Biol. 4: 256.

Maekawa S, Yanagisawa S. (2021) Functions of ribosome biogenesis factors OLI2 and its interactor BRX1-2 are associated with morphogenesis and lifespan extension in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Biotechnol. 38: 117-125.

Ueda Y, Sakuraba Y, Yanagisawa S. (2021) Environmental control of phosphorus acquisition: A piece of the molecular framework underlying nutritional homeostasis. Plant Cell Physiol. 62: 573-581.

木羽隆敏、小西美稲子、柳澤修一 (2021) 植物における窒素の輸送機構. 日本土壌肥料学雑誌 92: 76-91.


Hirakawa T, Matsuoka J, Morohashi K, Hidaka M, Ogawa T, Aono T. (2020) LysR-type transcriptional regulator of high temperature inducible class A β-lactamase gene controls pathogenic R-body production genes in Azprhizobium caulinodans. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 67: 57-70.

Ueda Y, Nosaki S, Sakuraba Y, Miyakawa T, Kiba T, Tanokura M, Yanagisawa S. (2020) NIGT1 family proteins exhibit dual mode DNA recognition to regulate nutrient response-associated genes in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genet. 16: e1009197.

Kurumisawa K, Ishizuna F, Matsuoka J, Ogwa T, Morohashi K, Aono T. (2020) Intercellular and intracelluar colonization of Azorhizobium caulinodans in Arabidopsis thatliana under nitrogen deficient conditions. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 67: 71-79.

Sakuraba Y, Li J, Park S, Paek NC. (2020) Editorial: Regulatory Mechanism of Leaf Senescence Under Environmental Stresses. Front. Plant Sci. 11: 1293.

Sakuraba Y, Yanagisawa S. (2020) Effect of phytochrome-mediated red light signaling on phosphorus uptake and accumulation in rice. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 66: 745-754.

Masuda Y, Yamanaka H, Xu ZX, Shiratori Y, Aono T, Amachi S, Senoo K, Itoh H. (2020) Daazotrophoc Anaeromyxobater isolates from soils. Appl. Environ. Microbial. 86: e00956-20.

Ueda Y, Ohtsuki N, Kadota K, Tezuka A, Nagano AJ, Kadowaki T, Kim Y, Miyao M, Yanagisawa S. (2020) Gene regulatory network and its constituent transcription factors that control nitrogen deficiency responses in rice. New Phytol. 227: 1434-1452.

Sakuraba Y, Kim D, Han SH, Piao W, Yanagisawa S, An G, Paek NC. (2020) Multilayered regulation of membrane-bound ONAC054 is essential for abscisic acid-induced leaf senescence in rice. Plant Cell 32: 630-649.

Ueda Y, Kiba T, Yanagisawa S. (2020) Nitrate-inducible NIGT1 Proteins Modulate Phosphate Uptake and Starvation Signaling via Transcriptional Regulation of SPX Genes. Plant J. 102: 448-466.

Zhuo M, Sakuraba Y, Yanagisawa S. (2020) A Jasmonate-activated MYC2-Dof2.1-MYC Transcriptional Loop Promotes Leaf Senescence in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 32: 242-262.


Ueda Y, Yanagisawa S. (2019) Perception, transduction, and integration of nitrogen and phosphorus nutritional signals in the transcriptional regulatory network in plants. J. Exp. Bot. 70: 3709-3717

Konishi M, Yanagisawa S. (2019) The role of protein-protein interactions mediated by the PB domain of NLP transcription factors in nitrate-inducible gene expression. BMC Plant Biol. 19: 90.

Matsuoka JI, Ishizuka F, Ogawa T, Hidaka M, Siarot L, Aono T. (2019) Localization of the reb operon expression is inconsistent with that of the R-body production in the stem nodules formed by Azorhizobium caulinodans mutants having a deletion of praR. J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. 65: 209-213.

Ueda Y, Yanagisawa S. (2019) Delineation of Nitrogen Signaling Networks: Computational Approaches in the Big Data Era. Mol. Plant 12: 150-152.


Sakuraba Y, Kanno S, Mabuchi A, Monda K, Iba K, Yanagisawa S. (2018) A phytochrome-B-mediated regulatory mechanism of phosphorus acquisition. Nat. Plants 4: 1089-1101.

Siarot L, Chutiwitoonchai N, Sato H, Chang H, Fujino M, Murakami T, Aono T, Kodama E, Kuroda K, Takei M, Aida Y. (2018) Identification of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 Gag-TSG101 interaction inhibitors by high-throughput screening. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 503:2970-2976.

Maekawa S, Ueda Y, and Yanagisawa S. (2018) Overexpression of a Brix Domain-Containing Ribosome Biogenesis Factor ARPF2 and its interactor ARRS1 Causes Morphological Changes and Lifespan Extension in Arabidopsis thaliana. Front. Plant Sci. 9:1177.

Kuroha T, Nagai K, Gamuyao R, Wang DR, Furuta T, Nakamori M, Kitaoka T, Adachi K, Minami A, Mori Y, Mashiguchi K, Seto Y, Yamaguchi S, Kojima M, Sakakibara H, Wu J, Ebana K, Mitsuda N, Ohme-Takagi M, Yanagisawa S, Yamazaki M, Yokoyama R, Nishitani K, Mochizuki T, Tamiya G, McCOuch SR, and Ashikari M. Ethylene-gibberellin signaling underlies adaptation of rice to periodic flooding, Science. 361:181-186

Maeda Y, Konishi M, Kiba T, Sakuraba Y, Sawaki N, Kurai T, Ueda Y, Sakakibara H, and Yanagisawa S. (2018) A NIGT1-centred transcriptional cascade regulates nitrate signalling and incorporates phosphorus starvation signals in Arabidopsis. Nat. Commun. 9:1376.

Kiba T, Inaba J, Kudo T, Ueda N, Konishi M, Mitsuda N, Takiguchi Y, Kondou Y, Yoshizumi T, Ohme-Takagi M, Matsui M, Yano K, Yanagisawa S, and Sakakibara H. (2018) Repression of Nitrogen-Starvation Responses by Members of the Arabidoosus GARO-Type Transcription Factor NIGT1/HRS1 Subfamily. The Plant Cell 30:925-945.

Maekawa S, and Yanagisawa S. (2018) Nucleolar stress and sugar response in plants. Plant Signal Behav. e1442975.

Sakuraba Y, and Yanagisawa S. (2018) Light signalling-induced regulation of nutrient acquisition and utilisation in plants. Semin. Cell Dev. Biol. 83:123-132.


Maekawa S, Ishida T, and Yanagisawa S. (2017) Reduced Expression of APUM24, Encoding a Novel rRNA Processing Factor, Induces Sugar-dependent Nuclear Stress and Altered Sugar Responses in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 30 (1), 209-227. [Abstract]

Matsuoka J, Ishizuna F, Kurumisawa K, Morohhashi K, Ogawa T, Hidaka M, Saito K, Ezawa T, and Aono T. (2017) A putative TctR-type transcription factor AZC_3265 from the legume symbiont Azorhizobium caulinodans represses the production of R-bodies that are toxic to eukaryotic cells. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 63, 452-459.

Ueda Y, Konishi M, and Yanagisawa S. (2017) Molecular basis of the nitrogen response in plants. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 63(4), 329-341

Matsuoka J, Ishizuna F, Kurumisawa K, Morohashi K, Ogawa T, Hidaka M, Saito K, Ezawa T, and Aono T (2017) Stringen expression control of pathogenic R-body production in legume symbiont Azorhizobium caulinodans. mBio. 8, e00715-00717.

Siarot L, Toyazaki H, Hidaka M, Kurumisawa K, Hirakawa T, Morohashi K, and Aono T. (2017) A novel regulatory pathway for K+ uptake in the legume symbiont Azorhizobium caulinodans in which TrkJ represses the kdpFABC operon at high extracellular K+ concentrations. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 83, e01197-17.

Liu KH, Niu Y, Konishi M, Wu Y, Du H, Sun CH, Li L, Boudsocq M, McCormack M, Maekawa S, Ishida T, Zhang C, Shokat K, Yanagisawa S, and Sheen J. (2017) Discovery of nitrate-CPK-NLP signaling in central nutrient-growth networks. Nature  18;545 (7654), 311-316 [Abstract]

Otori K, Tanabe N, Maryyama T, Sato S, Yanagisawa S, Tamoi M, and Shigeoka S (2017) Enhanced photosynthetic capacity increases nitrogen metabolism through the coordinated regulation of carbon and nitrogen assimilation in Arabidopsis thaliana. J. Plant Res. 130, 909-927

Sato, T., Maekawa, S., Konishi, M., Yoshioka, N., Sasaki,Y., Maeda, H., Ishida, T., Kato, Y., Yamaguchi, J., and Yanagisawa, S. (2017) Direct transcriptional activation of BT genes by NLP transcription factor is a key component of the nitrate response in Arabidopsis. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 483, 380-386 [Abstract]


Ishida, T., Maekawa, S. and Yanagisawa, S. (2016) The pre-rRNA processing complex in Arabidopsis includes two WD-domain-containing proteins encoded by glucose-inducible genes and plant-specific proteins. Mol. Plant, 9, 312-315.

Ohama, N., Kusakabe, K., Mizoi, J., Zhao, H., Kidokoro, S., Koizumi, S., Takahashi, F., Ishida, T., Yanagisawa, S., Shinozaki, K. and Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, K. (2016) The transcriptional cascade in the heat stress response in Arabidopsis is strictly regulated at the expression levels of transcription factors. Plant Cell, 28, 181-201. [Abstract]


Yanagisawa, S. (2015) Chapter 12: Structure and evolution of the plant Dof transcription factor family in Plant Transcription Factors. Evolutionary, Structural and Functional Aspects (Daniel H. Gonzalez, ed.), pp183-197, Elsevier/Academic Press.

Ishikawa, T., Aki, T., Yanagisawa, S., Uchimiya, H. and Kawai-Yamada, M. (2015) Overexpression of Bax inhibitor-1 links plasma membrane microdomain proteins to stress. Plant Physiol., 169, 1333-1343. [Full text]

Konishi, M. and Yanagisawa, S. (2015) Transcriptional repression caused by Dof5.8 is involved in proper vein network formation in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves.J.Plant Res., 128, 643-652. [Abstract]

Yoneyama, T., Fujimori, T., Yanagisawa, S., Hase, T. and Suzuki, A. (2015) 15N-tracing studies on in vitro reactions of ferredoxin-dependent nitrite reductase and glutamate synthase using reconstituted electron donation systems. Plant Cell Physiol., 56, 1154-1161. [Abstract]

Mogami, J., Fujita, Y., Yoshida, T., Tsukiori, Y., Nakagami, H., Nomura, Y., Fujiwara, T., Nishida, S., Yanagisawa, S., Ishida, T., Morimoto, K., Kidokoro, S., Mizoi, J., Shinozaki, K. and Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, K. (2015) Two distinct families of protein kinases are required for plant growth under high external Mg2+-concentrations in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol., 167, 1039-1057.[Abstract].

Hazama, K., Nagata, S., Fujimori, T., Yanagisawa, S. and Yoneyama, T. (2015) Concentrations of metals and potential metal-binding compounds and speciation of Cd, Zn, and Cu in phloem and xylem saps from castor bean plants (Ricinus communis L.) treated with four levels of cadmium. Physiol.Plant., 154,243-55. [Abstract]

Konishi, M., Donner, T., Scarpella, E. and Yanagisawa, S. (2015) MONOPTEROS directly activates the auxin-inducible promoter of Dof5.8 transcription factor gene in Arabidopsis thaliana leaf provascular cells. J. Exp. Bot., 66, 283-291 [Abstract] [Full text] [PDF].


Yanagisawa, S. (2014) Transcription factors involved in controlling the expression of nitrate reductase genes in higher plants. Plant Sci., 229, 167-171 [Abstract]

Konishi, M. and Yanagisawa, S. (2014) Emergence of a new step towards understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying nitrate-regulated gene expression. J. Exp. Bot., 65, 5589-5600. [Abstract] [Full text] [PDF]

小西美稲子、柳澤修一(2014)植物の硝酸シグナル応答機構 -NIN様タンパク質が硝酸シグナル応答を司る-, 化学と生物, 52, 421-423. [PDF]

Ishida, T., Sugiyama, T., Tabei, N. and Yanagisawa, S.(2014) Diurnal expression of CONSTANS-like genes is independent of the function of cycling DOF factor (CDF)-like transcriptional repressors in Physcomitrella patens. Plant Biotechnol. 31,293–299. [PDF]

Maeda, S., Konishi, M., Yanagisawa, S. and Omata, T. (2014) Nitrite transport activity of a novel HPP family protein conserved in cyanobacteria and chloroplasts.Plant Cell Physiol., 55, 1311-1324. [Abstract]

Ariga, T., Hazama, K., Yanagisawa, S. and Yoneyama, T.(2014) Chemical forms of iron in xylem sap from graminaceous and non-graminaceous plants. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 60, 460-469. [Abstract]

Terashima, I., Yanagisawa, S. and Sakakibara, H. (2014) Plant responses to CO2: Background and perspectives. Plant Cell Physiol., 55, 237-240. [Full text]

Sato, S. and Yanagisawa, S. (2014) Characterization of metabolic states of Arabidopsis thaliana under diverse carbon and nitrogen nutrient conditions via targeted metabolomic analysis. Plant Cell Physiol., 55, 306-319. [Abstract]

Hachiya, T., Sugiura, D., Kojima, M., Sato, S., Yanagisawa, S., Sakakibara, H., Terashima, I. and Noguchi, K. (2014) High CO2 triggers preferential root growth of Arabidopsis thaliana via two distinct systems at low pH and low N stresses. Plant Cell Physiol., 55, 269-280. [Abstract]

Watanabe, C.K., Sato, S., Yanagisawa, S., Uesono, Y., Terashima, I. and Noguchi, K. (2014) Effects of elevated growth CO2 on the levels of primary metabolites and transcripts of respiratory enzymes and their diurnal patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana shoots: possible relations to the respiratory rates.Plant Cell Physiol., 55, 341-357. [Abstract]


Konishi, M. and Yanagisawa, S. (2013) An NLP-binding site in the 3' flanking region of the nitrate reductase gene confers nitrate-inducible expression in Arabidopsis. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 59, 612-620. [Abstract]

Suzuki, W., Konishi, M., and Yanagisawa, S. (2013) The evolutionary events necessary for the emergence of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in legumes may involve a loss of nitrate responsiveness of the NIN transcription factor. Plant Signal Behav., 8, e25975. [Full text]

Nishiyama, R., Tanoi, K., Yanagisawa, S. and Yoneyama, T. (2013) Quantification of zinc transport via the phloem to the grain in rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) at early grain-filling by a combination of mathematical modeling and 65Zn tracing. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 59, 750-755. [Abstract]

Yanagisawa, S. (2013) Characterization of a nitrate-inducible transcriptional repressor NIGT1 provides new insights into DNA recognition by the GARP family proteins. Plant Signal Behav., 8, e24447. [Full text]

Endo, M., Shimizu, T., Fujimori, T., Yanagisawa, S., Toki, S. (2013) Herbicide-resistant mutations in acetolactate synthase can reduce feedback inhibition and lead to accumulation of branched-chain amino acids. Food Nutr. Sci., 4, 522-528 [Abstract].

Negi, J., Moriwaki, K., Konishi, M., Yokoyama, R., Nakano, T., Kusumi, K., Hashimoto-Sugimoto, M., Schroeder, J.I., Nishitani, K., Yanagisawa, S., Iba, K. (2013) A Dof Transcription Factor, SCAP1, Is Essential for the Development of Functional Stomata in Arabidopsis. Curr. Biol., 23, 479-484. [ Abstract]

Konishi M, Yanagisawa, S. (2013) Arabidopsis NIN-like transcription factors play a central role in nitrate signalling. Nat. Commun., 4:1617. [ Abstract]

Sawaki N, Tsujimoto R, Shigyo M, Konishi M, Toki S, Fujiwara T, Yanagisawa S (2013) A nitrate-inducible GARP family gene encodes an auto-repressibletranscriptional repressor in rice. Plant Cell Physiol., 54, 506-517. [ Abstract]


Ando, Y., Nagata, S., Yanagisawa, S., Yoneyama, T., (2012) Copper in xylem and phloem saps from rice (Oryza sativa): the effect of moderate copper concentrations in the growth medium on the accumulation of five essential metals and a speciation analysis of copper-containing compounds. Funct. Plant Biol., 40, 89-100. [Abstract]

Sugiyama T, Tabei N, Ishida T, Shigyo M, Yoneyama T, Yanagisawa S. (2012) Involvement of PpDof1 Dof transcription factor in the nutrient-dependent growth control in Physcomitrella patens. J. Exp. Bot., 63. 3185-3197. [ Full Text]

Ishida T, Osakabe Y, Yanagisawa S. (2012) Transcription factors: improving abiotic stress tolerance in plants, in Improving Stress Resistance to Abiotic Stress (Narendra Tuteja, ed.), Wiley-Blackwell, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. (Germany), pp589-619.

Nishiyama R, Kato M, Nagata S, Yanagisawa S, Yoneyama T. (2012) Identification of Zn-nicotianamine and Fe-2'-deoxymugineic acid in the phloem saps from rice plants (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Cell Physiol., 53, 381-390. [Abstract ]

Hamamoto K, Aki T, Shigyo M, Sato S, Ishida T, Yano K, Yoneyama T, Yanagisawa S. (2012) Proteomic characterization of the greening process in rice seedlings using the MS spectral intensity-based label free method. J. Proteome Res., 11, 331-347. [Abstract]


Konishi M, Yanagisawa S. (2011) Roles of the transcriptional regulation mediated by the nitrate-responsive cis-element in higher plants. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 411, 708–713. [ Abstract]

Kurai T, Wakayama M, Abiko T, Yanagisawa S, Aoki N, Ohsugi R. (2011) Introduction of ZmDof1 gene into rice enhances carbon and nitrogen assimilation under low nitrogen condition. Plant Biotechnol. J., 9, 826–837. [Abstract ]

Konishi M, Yanagisawa S. (2011) The regulatory region controlling the nitrate-responsive expression of a nitrate reductase gene, NIA1, in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol., 52, 824-836. [Abstract]


Kato M, Ishikawa S, Inagaki K, Chiba K, Hayashi H, Yanagisawa S, Yoneyama T. (2010) Possible chemical forms of cadmium and varietal differences in the cadmium concentrations in the phloem sap of rice plants (Oryza sativa L.). Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 338, 435-449. [Abstract]

Konishi M, Yanagisawa S. (2010) Identification of the nitrate-responsive cis-element in the Arabidopsis NIR1 promoter defines the presence of multiple cis-elements for nitrogen response. Plant J., 63, 269-282. [Abstract]

Sato S, Yanagisawa S. (2010) Capillary electrophoresis-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry for metabolite profiling of anionic compounds with fused-silica capillaries. Metabolomics, 6, 529–540. [Abstract]

Thaweenut N, Hachisuka Y, Ando S, Yanagisawa S, Yoneyama T.(2010) Two seasons’ study on nifH gene expression and nitrogen fixation by diazotrophic endophytes in sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids): expression of nifH genes similar to those of rhizobia. Plant Soil, 338, 435-449. [Abstract]

Kato Y, Konishi M, Shigyo M, Yoneyama T, Yanagisawa S. (2010) Characterization of plant eukaryotic translation initiation factor 6 (eIF6) genes: The essential role in embryogenesis and their differential expression in Arabidopsis and rice. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 397 673-678. [Abstract]

Takahara K, Kasajima I, Hashida S, Takahashi H, Onodera H, Toki S, Yanagisawa, S, Kawai-Yamada M, Uchimiya H. (2010) Metabolome and photochemical analysis of rice plants over-expressing Arabidopsis NAD kinase gene. Plant Physiol., 152, 1863-1873. [Full Text]


柳澤修一 (2009) 植物の栄養シグナル. 細胞工学, 28, 817-818.

Aki T, Yanagisawa S. (2009) Application of rice nuclear proteome analysis to the identification of evolutionarily conserved and glucose-responsive nuclear proteins. J. Proteome Res., 8, 3912-3924. [Abstract]

Takahashi H, Takahara K, Hashida S, Hirabayashi T, Fujimori T, Kawai-Yamada M, Yamaya T, Yanagisawa S, Hirofumi U.(2009) Pleiotropic modulation of carbon and nitrogen metabolism in Arabidopasis plants overexpressing the NAD kinase2 gene. Plant Physiol., 151, 100-113. [Abstract]

Tsujimoto-Inui Y, Naito Y, Sakurai N, Suzuki H, Sasaki R, Takahashi H, Ohtsuki N, Nakano T, Yanagisawa S, Shibata D, Uchimiya H, Shinshi S, Suzuki K. (2009) Functional genomics of the Dof transcription factor family genes in suspension-cultured cells of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Biotechnology, 26, 29-38. [PDF]


Konishi M, Yanagisawa S. (2008) Ethylene signaling in Arabidopsis involves feedback regulation by an elaborate control of EBF2 expression by EIN3. Plant J., 55, 821-831. [Abstract]

Aki T, Shigyo M, Yoneyama T, Yanagisawa S. (2008) Nano scale proteomics revealed the presence of regulatory proteins including FT-like proteins in phloem and xylem saps from rice. Plant Cell Physiol., 49, 767-790. [Abstract]

Konishi M, Yanagisawa S. (2008) Two Different Mechanisms Control Ethylene Sensitivity in Arabidopsis via the Regulation of EBF2 Expression. Plant Signaling & Behav., 3, 749-51. [Full Text]

小西美稲子、柳澤修一(2008)エチレンの信号伝達. 生物の科学・遺伝, 62, 35-40.

Aki T, Konishi M, Kikuchi T, Fujimori T, Yoneyama T, Yanagisawa S.. (2007) Distinct modulations of the hexokinase1-mediated glucose responses and hexokinase1-independent processes by HYS1/CPR5 in Arabidopsis.
J. Exp. Bot., 58, 3239-3248. [Abstract]

Konishi M, Yanagisawa S. (2007) Sequential activation of two Dof transcription factor gene promoters during vascular development in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Plant Physiol. Biochem., 45, 623-629. [Abstract]

Shigyo M, Tabei N, Yoneyama T, Yanagisawa S. (2007) Evolutional processes during the formation of the plant-specific Dof transcription factor family. Plant Cell Physiol., 48, 179-185. [Abstract]

藤森玉輝、柳澤修一 (2007) 窒素応答、蛋白質・核酸・酵素, 52, 612-618.

柳澤修一(2007) 第4章 第3節 転写因子EIN3の分解制御によるシグナル伝達、上田一郎 編;微生物の病原性と植物の防御応答、81-87.


柳澤修一 (2006) 第2編 植物の制御と代謝、第2章 エネルギーと代謝、第2節 転写因子による代謝の一括制御、甲斐昌一、森川弘道 監修;プラントミメティックス ー植物に学ぶー、226-230、エヌ・ティー・エス出版.


Konishi M, Yanagisawa S. (2005) Signaling crosstalk between ethylene and other molecules. Plant Biotechnology,22, 401-407. [PDF]

高原照直、柳澤修一 (2005) 生体内反応としてのトランス-スプラシング. 生化学, 77, 1501-1505.

Takahara T, Tasic B, Maniatis T, Akanuma H, Yanagisawa S. (2005) A delay in the synthesis of the 3' splice site promotes trans-splicing of the preceding 5' splice site.
Mol. Cell, 18, 245-251. [Abstract]

Agetsuma M, Furumoto T, Yanagisawa S, Izui K. (2005) The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway is involved in rapid degradation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase kinase for C4 photosynthesis.
Plant Cell Physiol., 46, 389-398. [Abstract]


Yanagisawa S. (2004) Improved Nitrogen Assimilation using Transcription Factors. ISB News Report September issue, 1-4. [Full Text]

柳澤修一 (2004) 植物におけるシグナル伝達系のクロストーク. 転写因子分解の制御が鍵. 蛋白質核酸酵素 49, 2131-2138.

柳澤修一 (2004) 少ない窒素肥料で生育可能な作物の創出方法. ブレインテクノニュース 105, 37-41.

Yanagisawa S, Akiyama A, Kisaka H, Uchimiya H, Miwa T.(2004) Metabolic engineering with Dof1 transcription factor in plants: Improved nitrogen assimilation and growth under low nitrogen conditions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101, 7833-7838. [Abstract]

Gagne JM, Smalle J, Gingerich DJ, Walker JM, Yoo SD, Yanagisawa S, Vierstra RD. (2004) Arabidopsis EIN3-binding F-box 1 and 2 form ubiquitin-protein ligases that repress ethylene action and promote growth by directing EIN3 degradation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101,6803-6808. [Abstract]

Yanagisawa S. (2004) Dof domain proteins: Plant-specific transcription factors associated with diverse phenomena unique to plants. Plant Cell Physiol. 45, 386-391. [Abstract]

Hirata N, Yonekura D, Yanagisawa S, Iba K. (2004) Possible involvement of the 5'-flanking region and the 5'UTR of plastid accD gene in NEP-dependent transcription. Plant Cell Physiol. 45, 176-186. [Abstract]

柳澤修一 (2004) 植物の生長を決める巧妙な仕組み:エチレンシグナルと糖シグナルのクロストーク. ブレインテクノニュース 101, 19-23.


Potuschak T, Lechner E, Parmentier Y, Yanagisawa S, Grava S, Koncz C, Genschik P. (2003) EIN3-dependent regulation of plant ethylene hormone signaling by two Arabidopsis F-box proteins: EBF1 and EBF2. Cell 115, 679-689. [Abstract]

Yanagisawa S, Yoo SD, Sheen J. (2003) Differential regulation of EIN3 stability by glucose and ethylene signalling in plants. Nature 425, 521-525. [Abstract]

Yanagisawa S. (2002) The Dof family of plant transcription factors.
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Takahara T, Kasahara D, Mori D, Yanagisawa S, Akanuma H. (2002) The trans-spliced variants of Sp1 mRNA in rat.
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Yoshimura H, Yanagisawa S, Kanehisa M, Ohmori M. (2002) Screening for the target gene of cyanobacterial cAMP receptor protein SYCRP1.
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Krohn NM, Yanagisawa S, Grasser KD. (2002) Specificity of the stimulatory interaction between chromosomal HMGB proteins and the transcription factor Dof2 and its negative regulation by protein kinase CK2-mediated phosphorylation.
J. Biol. Chem. 277, 32438-32444. [Abstract]

Yanagisawa S. (2001) The transcriptional activation domain of the plant-specific Dof1 factor functions in plant, animal, and yeast cells.
Plant Cell Physiol. 42, 813-822. [Abstract]


Takahara T, Kanazu S, Yanagisawa S, Akanuma H. (2000) Heterogeneous Sp1 mRNAs in human HepG2 cells include a product of homotypic trans-splicing. J. Biol. Chem.275, 38067-38072. [Abstract]

Yanagisawa S. (2000) Dof1 and Dof2 transcription factors are associated with expression of multiple genes involved in carbon metabolism in maize. Plant J. 21, 281-288. [Abstract]

Yoshimura H, Hisabori T, Yanagisawa S, Ohmori M. (2000) Identification and characterization of a novel cAMP receptor protein in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. J. Biol. Chem. 275, 6241-6245. [Abstract]

Nishiuchi T, Kodama H, Yanagisawa S, Iba K. (1999) Wound-induced expression of the FAD7 gene is mediated by different regulatory domains of its promoter in leaves/stems and roots. Plant Physiol. 121, 1239-1246. [Abstract]

Yanagisawa S, Schmidt RJ. (1999) Diversity and similarity among recognition sequences of Dof transcription factors. Plant J. 17, 209-214. [Abstract]

Yanagisawa S. (1998) Transcription factors in plants:Physiological functions and regulation of expression. J. Plant Res. 111, 363-371.

Yanagisawa S, Sheen J. (1998) Involvement of maize Dof zinc finger proteins in tissue-specific and light-regulated gene expression. Plant Cell 10, 75-89. [Abstract]

柳澤修一 (1998) Dofタンパク質:新しいDNA結合ドメインを持つ転写因子群の分化とシグナルに応答した遺伝子発現への関与.生化学 70,280-285.

Yanagisawa S. (1997) Dof DNA-binding domains of plant transcription factors contribute to multiple protein-protein interactions. Eur. J. Biochem. 250, 403-410. [Abstract]

Aki T, Yanagisawa S, Akanuma H. (1997) Identification and characterization of positive regulatory elements in the human glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene promoter. J. Biochem122, 271-278. [Abstract]

Yanagisawa S. (1996) Dof DNA binding proteins contain a novel zinc finger motif. Trends Plant Sci. 1, 213-214.

Yanagisawa S. (1996) A novel multigene family that the gene for a maize DNA-binding protein, MNB1a belongs to: isolation of genomic clones from this family and some aspects of its molecular evolution. Biochem Mol Biol Int. 38,665-73.

Yanagisawa S. (1995) A novel DNA-binding domain that may form a single zinc finger motif. Nucleic Acids Res. 23, 3403-3410. [Full Text]

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Yanagisawa S, Izui K. (1993) Molecular cloning of two DNA-binding proteins of maize that are structurally different but interact with the same sequence motif. J. Biol. Chem., 268, 16028-16036. [Abstract]

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Yanagisawa S, Izui K. (1992) MNF1, a leaf tissue-specific DNA-binding protein of maize, interacts with the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter as well as the C4 photosynthetic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase gene promoter. Plant Mol.Biol. 19,545-553.

Kawamura T, Shigesada K, Toh H, Okumura S, Yanagisawa S, Izui K. (1992) Molecular evolution of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase for C4 photosynthesis in maize: comparison of its cDNA sequence with a newly isolated cDNA encoding an isozyme involved in the anaplerotic function. J. Biochem., 112, 147-154. [Abstract]

Yanagisawa S, Izui K. (1992) Maize nuclear factors interacting with the C4 photosynthetic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase gene promoter. Research in photosynthesis 3,839-842.

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Yanagisawa S, Izui K. (1990) Multiple interactions between tissue-specific nuclear proteins and the promoter of the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase gene for C4 photosynthesis in Zea mays. Mol. Gen. Genet., 224,325-332.

Kawamura T, Shigesada K, Yanagisawa S, Izui K. (1990) Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase prevalent in maize roots:isolation of a cDNA clone and its use for analyses of the gene and gene expression. J. Biochem., 107, 165-168. [Abstract]

Yanagisawa S, Izui K. (1990) Production of active phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase of Zea mays in Escherichia coli encoded by a full-length cDNA. Agric. Biol.Chem., 54,241-243.

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