私たちは、トウモロコシより植物に特異的なタイプの転写因子ファミリーの一つを発見して、Dof転写因子群と命名しました(J. Biol. Chem. 268, 16028-16036, 1993; Nucleic Acid Res. 23, 3403-3410, 1995; Trends Plant Sci. 1, 213-214, 1996)。Dof転写因子は、C2-C2タイプのZinc-fingerを形成する極めて相同性の高いDNA結合ドメイン(Dofドメイン)を持ち、5'-AAAG-3'または5'-CTTT-3' という配列を認識して、そこに結合します。Dof転写因子は、トウモロコシ以外にも様々な植物種に存在していることが確認されており、例えば、モデル植物であるシロイヌナズナには36個のDof転写因子が、イネにも30個以上のDof転写因子が存在しています(Trends Plant Sci. 7, 555-560, 2002; Plant Cell Physiol. 45, 386-391, 2004; Chapter 12 in Plant Transcription Factors, 2015)。植物界に広く存在しているDof転写因子群は、現在までに、光合成遺伝子の発現、種子貯蔵タンパク質遺伝子の発現、ホルモン応答、孔辺細胞の機能化過程、維管束形成などに関わっていることが判明しており、Dof転写因子は植物に固有の生命現象に深く関わっていると推定されます。しかしながら、まだ多くのDof転写因子の生理的役割は不明です。個々のDof転写因子の生理的役割及びDof転写因子群の誕生と植物機能の制御の高度化との関係ついて、様々な解析手段を用いて解析しています。

The Arabidopsis Information Resource
[Dof Arabidopsis gene family: see link ]
- Konishi, M., Donner, T., Scarpella, E., Yanagisawa, S. (2015) MONOPTEROS directly activates the auxin-inducible promoter of Dof5.8 transcription factor gene in Arabidopsis thaliana leaf provascular cells. J. Exp. Bot. 66: 283-291.
- Yanagisawa, S. (2015) Chapter 12: Structure and evolution of the plant Dof transcription factor family in Plant Transcription Factors: Evolutionary, Structural and Functional Aspects (Daniel H. Gonzalez, ed.), Elsevier/Academic Press, pp183-197.
- Negi, J., Moriwaki, K., Konishi, M., Yokoyama, R., Nakano, T., Kusumi, K., Hashimoto-Sugimoto, M., Schroeder, J.I., Nishitani, K., Yanagisawa, S., Iba, K. (2013) A Dof transcription factor, SCAP1, is essential for the development of functional stomata in Arabidopsis. Curr. Biol. 23: 479-484.
- Sugiyama, T., Ishida, T., Tabei, N., T., Shigyo, M., Konishi M, Yoneyama, T., Yanagisawa, S. (2012) Involvement of PpDof1 transcriptional repressor in the nutrient condition-dependent growth control of protonemal filaments in Physcomitrella patens. J. Exp. Bot. 63: 3185-3197.
- Yanagisawa, S., Akiyama, A., Kisaka, H., Uchimiya, H., Miwa, T. (2004) Metabolic engineering with Dof1 transcription factor in plants: Improved nitrogen assimilation and growth under low nitrogen conditions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101: 7833-7838. [Abstract]
- Yanagisawa S. (2004) Dof domain proteins: Plant-specific transcription factors associated with diverse phenomena unique to plants. Plant Cell Physiol. 45: 386-391. [Abstract]
- Yanagisawa S. (2002) The Dof family of plant transcription factors. Trends Plant Sci. 7: 555-560. [Abstract]
- Krohn N M, Yanagisawa S, Grasser K D (2002) Specificity of the stimulatory interaction between chromosomal HMGB proteins and the transcription factor Dof2 and its negative regulation by protein kinase CK2-mediated phosphorylation. J. Biol. Chem. 277: 32438-32444. [Abstract]
- Yanagisawa S. (2001) The transcriptional activation domain of the plant-specific Dof1 factor functions in plant, animal, and yeast cells. Plant Cell Physiol. 42: 813-822. [Abstract]
- Yanagisawa S. (2000) Dof1 and Dof2 transcription factors are associated with expression of multiple genes involved in carbon metabolism in maize. Plant J. 21: 281-288. [Abstract]
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- Yanagisawa S, Sheen J. (1998) Involvement of maize Dof zinc finger proteins in tissue-specific and light-regulated gene expression. Plant Cell 10: 75-89. [Abstract][Full Text][PDF (3.3 MB)]
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- Yanagisawa S. (1997) Dof DNA-binding domains of plant transcription factors contribute to multiple protein- protein interactions. Eur. J. Biochem. 250: 403-410. [Abstract]
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- Yanagisawa S. (1995) A novel DNA binding domain that may form a single zinc finger motif. Nucleic Acid Res. 23: 3403-3410. [Abstract]
- Yanagisawa S, Izui K. (1993) Molecular cloning of two DNA binding proteins of maize that are structurally different but interact with the same sequence motif. J. Biol. Chem. 268: 16028-16036. [Abstract][Full Text PDF (6.8 MB)]